Kennt ihr schon die Illustratorin Charlotte Nicolin? Wenn nicht, lest unbedingt weiter. Die Stockholmerin hat einen so tollen naturalistischen Stil, dass man bei ihren Grafiken manchmal zweimal hinschauen muss, ob es nicht doch Fotografien sind. Wahnsinnig schön, finden wir das. In unserem (ersten englischen) miniporträt erfahrt ihr mehr über Charlotte und ihre Affinität zur Natur und vor allem, wo ihr hier in der Gegend ihre schönen Produkte erwerben könnt.
Who are you and what do you do for a living?
I’m Charlotte and I’m an illustrator. I decided several years ago that making beautiful art was not enough for me, I wanted to give something back to my inspiration. That’s why I have had several collaborations with environmental organizations, supporting them and making art for them in order to raise awareness to the numerous problems in our environment. Having lived abroad (also in Germany) for 34 years and working internationally I have really expanded my horizon. I exhibit my art and products at a number of international trade fairs and we now have over 300 retailers in Europe selling my art and products.
I saw your nice drawings and products on the trade fair “Ambiente” in Frankfurt. Your drawings are very realistic, which is very special. I immediatly fell in love with the different animals. Why do they appear so real?
I work with graphite pencils of different hardness with partial coloring drawing on acid free art paper. I believe that the color included in each drawing really sets each work apart. I spend a LOT of hours on each piece and sometimes it takes several months from an idea to finish. I spend a lot of time researching the animal that I intend to depict. In order to capture an authentic expressive look, I also read about their way of living and surviving. I also study their fur, fangs, bone structure, you name it.
Where does your affinity to nature and animals come from?
As a child I spent a lot of time in nature. I wandered in the forest and along the sea shore with my sketch book in hand, sometimes for hours, taking notes and sketching anything from plants to insects or animals. I collected dead insects, bones and pressed flowers and leafs. This wonder and love for animals and nature have followed me all my life. Today I combine my love for nature and animals, my passion for art with a burning desire to make a difference, to help as much as I can for us all to live on a healthy planet.
Where do you get your ideas from? Do you use photos of your own?
I watch a lot of nature programs, study animals, the way they live, how they look, what they like and not. I get many more ideas for artworks than I could ever make. I keep several sketchbooks with mini sketches of my ideas and when I find time I explore the ones that talk to me more. I then fully research the species, make more sketches and try to find my twist on this particular animal. I study animals in real life, in films, in books, on photos and take pictures of my own. When working on a piece I generally have about 20 different sources with information that I need. Many times I have to stop and research more before I can continue.
Where can I buy your products?
On you will find all the products we offer including originals. I also have a shop „Boutique Charlotte Nicolin“ on Köpmangatan 3 in Old Town Stockholm. And you can also buy my products at the Paiperleksgaart, Grevenmacher.
What’s your next project?
I am in the research phase of making a series of animals threatened by extinction. It is a huge project that will demand lots of time. I will also be collaborating with philanthropic organizations for this project. Follow me on Instagram for the latest updates.
Thank you very much for the conversation!
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Peak season:
Monday- Sunday 9:30-17:30
Low season:
Monday-Friday 9:30-17:00